Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You are where you live

New Hampshire though of by many as a small rural state with miles and miles of farms and grass land. Little do people that that Manchester, one of the southern most points, is actually a little city within itself. With an estimated population of 110,000 and according to the 2009 census, Manchester is referred to as the most populous New England city north of Boston.

When depicting the information from the prizm I was surprised at some of the information. The breakdown between the different groups is very interesting. When thinking of which category I put myself into, I began thinking about my family and where we would fall. Due to the fact that I have grown up in Manchester all my life, I found it fitting to categorize my parents into the category of "Home Sweet Home."

"Widely scattered across the nation's suburbs, the residents of Home Sweet Home tend to be upper-middle-class married couples living in mid-sized homes without children. The adults in the segment, mostly under 55, have gone to college and hold professional and white-collar jobs. With their upper-middle-class incomes and small families, these folks have fashioned comfortable lifestyles, filling their homes with exercise equipment, TV sets, and pets."

After comparing this to the New England breakdown I found that my parents fit the category of the "Affluentials." This is what I find alarming. My laid back outdoorsy yet modernized family is far from the definition portrayed by the affluentials. I feel as though this is the best category out of my zip code prizm, but when looking at it through the bigger realm we could be depicted by something much different.

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